Now with Added Trouser
The Chonky One now has his armoured trousers on, ready to face the world. At least he will be when he gets a some weapons…
The Chonky One now has his armoured trousers on, ready to face the world. At least he will be when he gets a some weapons…
Last (2023) Christmas my dear wife bought me an Iconoclast Titan as a gift. Well, with GW finally getting round to announcing Epic, this chonky bhoy needs to be built. Today we got exactly this far…. Will do the base painting using the method I learned from this Duncan Rhodes presented video.
Well, Epic is back. So I think it is a good time to restart this blog. I am a BIG fan of the old Epic system, and this new version Legion Imperialis, I intend to record my full progress (and experience) of collecting, modelling and playing this new (old) game. I have a collection of Read more about And Lo, it was Foretold….[…]
Well, a new post finally! I have been photographing my Carthaginian collection, and want to share it here. This is not for any specific battle, just more of a ‘collection photoshoot’, but he army is laid out in a vaguely Cannae formation. Now, all the pictured figures are based on 40mm * 40mm * 3mm Read more about Carthaginians[…]
Ok, how do I setup a game I hear you ask? (Well, the first play testers asked anyway). Well here is how to setup a basic game. Also, a wee note on Miniatures and Dice 9.0 – Setup You can use any size of table you have, but recommend at least 100 cm * 100 Read more about Setup, Miniatures, Dice and Measuring[…]
Big bastard robots with festooned with lasers, guns and missiles. Be it a a piloted rig, a drone, a robot, some sort of armoured amniotic case, a drooling organic beast with acid for blood or a shielded frame with an exposed pilot, anything that stalks the battlefield on legs and fits into the above category Read more about Walkers and Mechs and Droids!, oh my![…]
BOOM!, that’s all you know. it’s was an explosion, light and next thing you’re in the medevac hover. You never even saw the Adler-19 that put two drill-bombs into the trench, bastard must have same from the south, masked in the rising suns light. Air Defence did not pick him up, and now a whole Read more about Aircraft & Airstrikes[…]
Some vehicles fly, some high enough to ignore the clutter on the ground that us pedestrians would call buildings and trees. If a vehicle can do that, we are counting it as a flying vehicle. Be it a drone, jet fighter, helicopter or ornithopter, they all come under Aircraft in these rules. Here we deal Read more about Aircraft & Airmobile[…]
“4th Shank’Har, remove the prey from the tall nesting structure one hundred metres to your left, no survivors. 3rd Shank’Har, curse the wheeled prey vehicles near the river crossing with your fire blossoms. 2nd and 5th Shank’Har, draw whetted claws, we will rend the prey gathered by the energy source structure, the fear-killer with the Read more about Orders, for four Rock Salmon and a ha’penny worth of chips…[…]
Artillery, weapons able to launch munitions beyond the range of Infantry. Thats one preferred definition. It’s the Heavy Stuff, Rockets, Missiles, Shells, Plasma & Laser, plus everything else designed to cause harm to large objects from far away. Simples. Operated by the finest soldiers in your army, these titans amongst men will do all in Read more about Artillery, The Emperors Beautiful Daughters[…]