Where the Fuck did that come from?, Something just cut the lead tank in half, literally bisected it. There is no way your getting back that fifty the driver owed you now, plus, you could be next….
Recce (Reconnaissance), scouting, recon, having a shufti. This is the exploration of an area by forces to gain information about enemy forces. Thats it. Find out where the sneaky bastards are hiding before they bushwhack you.
Special Rule C – Recce
Recce Elements/Formation are always assumed to be specially trained or equipped to search out and identify enemy units. Whether by using Laser Designators and Microwave Radar or Genetically Enhanced Vision and Scent Receptors we assume these special abilities aid the Element/Formation in there role.
Recce Elements can spot enemy units up to 150cm away, and can see 3cm into terrain.
They can also communicate this to non-Recce Element/Formations (1 per Recce Element) (Else what would be the point….)
For 1 Turn, mark the identified Formation, you can choose to EITHER allow any Element/Formation (chosen be the Recce Element player) to add +1 to hit OR fire at the target up to 3m into terrain.
As the end of the Turn, remove the marker, even if they identified Formation does not move, we assume they go to ground long enough to remove the Laser Tag or get the pepper from their rations and scatter it about….
Note/Thought – this will also be one of the methods used to identify if a minefield is real or not. And later a die roll mechanic maybe introduced to spot a target, but this is for later.