Khanate Attack Orbs

Khanate 15mm Attack Orbs and 5th Tesseran four packs released
Legate Vanya of the Styx Legion stood on the barren blackened soil of a new world.  The Styx Legion had been transitioning into Human space for weeks now and had escaped from the pit that the thrice damned dull eyes had detonated over the Matter Gateway.  His command now composed more than eighteen thousand servants of the Great Khan of Oron Zai, his Legionaries of Ulger and the slaves of the Ezemshdeg vast stellar systems.  More were coming from the Gazraa Orkhikh with its red sky and lava flows every cycle and now the vehicles of the Legion were being brought up from deep below.  Expending the green skinned Buzar Yum without regard for their blood loss had pushed the Humans away from the breached pit but now mobility was required to begin the chase proper.  Called forth by his four lobotomised bonded serviles Vanya ordered the hundred attack orbs at his command to the fore. Once they were arrayed in the forward deployment zone the pilots gathered for the honour of being addressed in person by their Legate.  The speech was short and to the point.  The enemy were retreating and what information the scouts could gather pointed to a fortified position where they would make a forceful stand.  It was the task of the attack orbs to race to this fortified place ahead of the heavier Gulsmal vehicles which would bring artillery and troops to make the actual assault.  They may well die but such was the Legionary vow of Ild Khereglekh to the Great Khan of Oron Zai.
Vanya watched as each pilot carefully put on their helmets and sealed their suits before opening the main hatch in their orb and entering.  The stabilisers kept the single wheel of the orb upright until the drive was engaged.  Pilots tested the rotation and targeting of their twin gun or missile mounts.  With a wave of his gloved hand the Legate enacted the order to set out.  The soil of this new world shook as the orbs roared away in the direction of the trail of corpses the Humans left behind.
Belkus Depression, Camarthan Prime 4330 IC


Grab your 15mm sci-fi gaming by the Orbs!  Now online and on early supporter offer until Monday 29th January are our new releases.  All early orders save 15% off release price on these new codes and there are bundle options too with even greater savings.  All orders gain you Reward Points and you can use your existing Reward Points (as many of you do) to get discounts on these offers.  All orders containing the new codes will ship when the early supporter offer ends.  
Thank you for your support and GO HERE for the new codes and bundles. Read on for details, pictures and scale shots too.  We present the three different Shia Khan Empire Attack Orbs and a new pack of Legionaries too!
IAF152 Sphera Attack Orb
The Orbs are the primary light attack vehicle for the Khanate Legions and is used in great numbers on campaign.  Armed with two twin mounted Juno 2.0Kw Laser Rifles the Sphera is high manoeuvrable and goes excellently with Pugnus, Canno and Manus heavier wheeled vehicles in your forces. This pack contains one 15mm scale small resin and white metal alien vehicle.  Made up of three parts and easy to assemble the Orb is 30mm tall when put together.  Supplied unassembled and without a base (show on a 30mm round base).  Go HERE.  Price 3.00GBP or purchase three and save 10%.
IAF153 Jacto Missile Orb
The Orbs are the primary light attack vehicle for the Khanate Legions and is used in great numbers on campaign.  Armed twin mounted 55mm Luna missile pods the Jacto is used for supporting advances and bombardment alongside Cannon wheeled vehicles. This pack contains one 15mm scale small resin and white metal alien vehicle.  Made up of three parts and easy to assemble the Orb is 30mm tall when put together.  Supplied unassembled and without a base (show on a 30mm round base).  Go HERE.  Price 3.00GBP or purchase three and save 10%.
IAF154 Milum Assault Orb
The Orbs are the primary light attack vehicle for the Khanate Legions and is used in great numbers on campaign.  Two twin mounted Maia 9.6mm Mpi’s gives the Milum a close range punch which sees it support Pioneers and Maligs in built up areas and Pugnus light tanks on open ground. This pack contains one 15mm scale small resin and white metal alien vehicle.  Made up of three parts and easy to assemble the Orb is 30mm tall when put together.  Supplied unassembled and without a base (show on a 30mm round base).  Go HERE.  Price 3.00GBP or purchase three and save 10%.
IAF141 Legionary 5th Tesseran
The close assault element of any Khanate Legionary force this pack contains eight white metal 15mm scale Legionary Infantry miniatures.  An officer in cloak with seven Discens (privates) all armed with Hydra Laser Shotguns. Legion are dressed in reactive glimmer suits and self contained breather systems with limited auto aid ability.   As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page.  Go HERE.  Price 4.00GBP per pack.
Here are some more images of the new Attack Orbs giving their scale compared to other 15mm Ion Age codes such as a Legionary (16mm), Canthus Monocycle (20mm), Steornede Battlesuit (30mm), Adder Comms Lifter and a Pugnus Light Tank.  Also comparisons next to each other as well.
If you want to get into our game system Patrol Angis then you can with the core book in print or digital download or a game pack for immediate play. Go HERE. For those who already are players you can find these aliens in IAB03 The Khanate Return and here are game statistics for the Attack Orbs which fit right into page 45 of that book. Save this table to your device.
There is a great selection of Khanate troops and vehicles in our 15mm range which go with these new packs.
We have Ordos (platoon packs) each with a unique extra miniature free for Legionaries, Pioneers, Maligs and Nox as well as their constitute packs plus Psycoborgs, Warlords, Beotans, Betrayers, Skrak Terror Birds and Portable Weapon Platforms, Gunners and Personalities.  In terms of vehicles the Canthus Monocycle, Infernus Ball Tank, Pugnus Tank, Canno AFV’s and Mallus Armoured Personnel Carrier.  It is a mighty army now with over one hundred and thirty different miniatures (each of which can be ordered on its own) and near a dozen vehicles.  See the Legions HERE and their vehicles HERE.
Thanks for your time and if you have any questions about The Ion Age or just want to chat wargaming then email me on info@theionage.comor join the Alternative Armies Tabletop Gaming group on Facebook where I moderate and talk gaming.

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