Here we are, House Mochrums Desteria Lance, from theIonAge range. I like these guys, they have more of a ‘Knightly’ feel about them than the regular Prydian Knights.
They are essentially the shock troops of the Prydian Army, with powerful short ranged weapons, a power fist and powered armour.
Painting and Modelling
Well it was 20mm * 3mm Sarrissa MDF with Vallejo Sandy Paste and some sand, as always.
Sprayed Black.
A base of Foundation White, drybrushed Gloss White, a black wash which was mostly ‘dabbed’ off, leaving only the crevices filled.
Then another Gloss White drybrush once that had dried.
Then on the base, a Charred Brown all over with a Bestial Brown drybrush.
Mechanicum Red on the Pauldrons and eye slots, with the eye slots then built up on Vermillion, Orange & Yellow in smaller layers to make the ‘eye visor’ effect.
Polished Gold on the Pauldrons edges, Body cross, Knees & Arm Joints. (And the helm crests where needed)
And because it’s House Mochrum, Magic Blue with a Electric Blue drybrush on the Plumage.
All the weapons are gunmetal grey, highlighted in gunmetal, all very simple.
The HQ Section
Troop sections and the Commander and Hero
Desteria in a built up area…
Shot of a Desteria in my favourite building
And advancing with some armoured support.
Thats it, House Mochrums Desteria Lance, quite happy with them, but also the last Prydians I do for a while, going to focus on the Legion for a while now.