Muster & 10 Man Bases

This is the Muster Platoon from the Prydian army, 26 models (with the freebie spotter). It’s pretty diversely armed, with one female and one male (helmeted) section, and a command section also. It’s not valid by the ‘rules’ in this configuration, but who cares about that, I’ll happily buy a few more to pad them out.

There are some casting lines on the models, so take your time cleaning them before you start painting, I missed a few bits and had to go back again. I’ll be painting them as the Muster of House Mochrum (more later), they are have abandoned there normal Storm Blue to avoid being misidentified as Canlastrian, only a few blue pieces are left, the Majoris crests and some balaclavas when under the helmets!

As per usual, based on 20mm * 3mm Sarissa MDF, Vallejo Sandy Paste with Sand Sprinkled on and finally a coat of black spray paint.

Charred brown with a Bestial Brown drybrush on the bases (whilst the charred brown is drying to get some mixing),  then foundation white base, with a gloss white highlight, black for the body armour and boots, gunmetal grey with a gunmetal drybrush for the backpacks and weapons, German Grey dry brush for the body armour (to prevent it disappearing as a boring black background), Mechanicum red shoulders and helmet slits, some orange on the helm slit to illuminate, blood red on the shoulders to highlight, and finally 1-2 gloss white coats on the helms and ‘backpack tops’ to really make them stick out.

It took me about 2h 30m mins to paint the 26 models (and maybe another hour prepping), but I think they look excellent.

When I expand though, no more bareheaded models for me, on a battlefield you wear a helmet!!, and, possibly less poses, there are some I really like, I’ll be focusing on them.


I also got some 10 man bases for these, I can say I am a total convert to that, my next order will be a LOT of bases and just a few troops/vehicles, I want my whole force looking good first!!

Now for some images. Some a bit blurry, I need to get better at this photography thing, and maybe buy a better camera.


The lads (& lassies), all arrayed




The Spotter on a rooftop


Simple stuff, but they look very good (imho).

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